What Type of Fabrication Is Best for Your Needs?

by | Jul 11, 2016 | Repair and Service

When it comes to producing the items that you need for your business, you can always look to a reliable fabrication company in Minneapolis to do the job for you. But in order to make a good decision about what company you should employ for the tasks at hand, it would do you well to learn a little bit about how fabrication works and what type would be best suited to what you need to have done.

Defining Fabrication

To put it into simpler terms, fabrication refers to the process of cutting, shaping, and forming various types of materials so that they can become the parts that will be put together for a final product.

Plastic Fabrication

A lot of products are being created with plastic due to the fact that it is light and inexpensive, according to Alive. With this process, companies can create new products by using different types of plastic, such as nylon, acrylic, or even plexiglass, among others. It is easy to ease into various forms due to the fact that it can melt at low temperatures, and plastic can also be colored prior to being cut and shaped, meaning you will not need to paint it afterwards.
However, plastic is not exactly durable when compared to other materials, and it is not suited for any applications requiring heavy load bearing.

Metal Fabrication

Different types of metals can also be used to form products, such as iron, aluminum, and steel. They are less likely to corrode because they have high heat resistance. However, you will need to go through more operations after forming it into the shape you want, such as painting, deburring, and finishing.

Pick the Process that Works for You

Both plastic and metal fabrication processes have their pros and cons. It’s up to you to weigh them and see which materials could be the better option for whatever you would like to produce.

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