What You Should Know Before Remodeling Your Bathroom

by | Oct 8, 2014 | Home Improvement

Are you seeking a way to enhance your home’s aesthetics, update your aging décor, and increase your home’s value? If so, you can accomplish this with a remodeled bathroom.

Although bathroom remodeling requires a considerable financial commitment, it is worth it. Remodeling is not only exciting, but also a great way to turn the bathroom into a more functional and personal space.

Deciding to renovate your bathroom is a great investment in terms of comfort and value. Unless you plan to complete this task yourself, you will need to engage the services of a professional contractor, such as Dunn-Wright Remodeling.

ThreeThings You Should Know Before Remodeling

You need to consider various factors before embarking on your project. Taking the time to consider these factors will make bathroom remodeling in San Antonio more efficient and affordable.

A major factor to consider is the budget. Coming up with a budget is a fundamental step of any renovation project. Furthermore, determining the amount of money you are willing to spend will help you stay on course.

You should also consider functionality and design. Ensure that whatever matches your design is also functional. Another important aspect to consider is plumbing; make sure your fixtures are in top condition.

Benefits of Remodeling

Bathroom remodeling in San Antonio offers various benefits, such as the enhancement of your home’s value. Such a project yields a high return on investment; professional remodeling could yield an ROI of 70-80%. Another benefit involves increased bathroom space. Bathrooms have limited space, hence remodeling enables you to capitalize on space while enhancing the functionality.

Another major benefit of revamping your bathroom is additional storage. These days, homeowners include storage areas and additional cabinets for decluttering. Additional storage enables you to clear off countertops and store additional linens, towels, and other toiletries. Furthermore, remodeling offers an opportunity to add your personal style and discover a new means to relax.

Hiring Tips

Unless you plan to perform minor improvements (for instance, replacing a toilet seat or faucet), extensive remodeling requires expertise and professionalism.

A poorly done job can prove costly, so you should hire a professional contractor with the relevant training to meet your needs. When selecting a contractor, you should obtain referrals from friends and family to locate a reputable remodeling service provider.

It is also important to hire a contractor with a solid work experience and avoid a new company, particularly if it lacks references. Furthermore, find out whether the contractor has the necessary licenses from the local and state municipalities.

While bathroom remodeling in San Antonio presents numerous benefits, it is essential that you seek professional services to avoid costly repairs in the future.

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