When Do You Need a Royal Oak Cosmetic Dentist to Give You a Dental Implant?

by | Mar 8, 2021 | Dentist

Cosmetic dentists in Royal Oak can provide you with several services that will help you restore your smile, including veneers or teeth whitening services. One service that improves the appearance of your smile as it boosts your overall oral health is the installation of a dental implant. The implant mimics the entire structure of the tooth, so a gap in the smile is eliminated. It’s important to understand why this is sometimes necessary.

Restore Beauty and Functionality

A dental implant uses a post and abutment to fill the gap left behind by a missing tooth, but these parts of the implant are unseen. The prosthesis is the portion of the implant that’s visible and is made to resemble the coloration of your other teeth. Once the installation process is complete, the tooth is indistinguishable from your other teeth, giving a smile that you will be proud to show off. You will also be able to chew food normally, which you would not be able to do with a gap in your teeth.

Why Would You Need an Implant?

There are a couple of different reasons cosmetic dentists in Royal Oak would recommend a dental implant. Whether you have lost a tooth through an unnatural process or you have had to have a decayed tooth extracted, you cannot leave the gap untreated. A space in your teeth would cause the surrounding teeth to shift, resulting in a crooked smile. More importantly, the gap will expose the bone in your jaw, your gum tissue, and the surrounding teeth to infection. Once an implant has been installed, that gap will be sealed and you’ll no longer be at an increased risk for bone loss or gum disease.

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