When Is It Time to Seek Medical Weight Loss Solutions in St. Louis, MO?

by | Jun 7, 2024 | Health Consultant

Millions of Americans struggle with obesity and excess weight every year. Many are able to manage their problem with programs of diet and exercise, or their weight evens out over time. However, in some cases, it is necessary to seek medical weight loss solutions in ST. Louis, MO. If you’ve been thinking about seeking medical solutions such as a structured weight loss program, here are a few signs that it is time to call your doctor today.

If Your Body Mass Index Is Reaching Levels of Obesity

If you are only slightly overweight, then it is usually possible to lose weight on your own. However, if your BMI is over the level on the scale signaling obesity, which is usually around 30, then it is time to consult a medical professional. At this level of BMI, your weight could begin to have severe impacts on your health, so it is important to get medical advice.

Your Health Conditions Make It Impossible to Lose Weight Through Diet and Exercise

Many people don’t lose weight through diet and exercise because they are physically unable to do so, not because they are not following regimens strongly enough or lack willpower. Health conditions such as hormonal imbalances, PCOS, and many more can cause excess weight and obesity, while at the same time making it difficult to exercise or lose weight.

Medical weight loss solutions in St. Louis, MO, are the best solution if your weight loss or retention is caused by other medical conditions.

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