When Is The Right Time To Talk To A SSD Attorney?

by | Jun 4, 2021 | Law

Social Security disability law is extremely complicated, the rules and regulations that apply are often obscure and they tend to change frequently as is typical with federal benefits programs. The SSA, Social Security Administration does not make it a “slam dunk” for applicants, almost three-quarters of the applications are denied on the first submission, and then the application becomes the subject of what can be long, drawn-out appeals. Although many applicants for Social Security disability still make the initial application unaided, the wise applicant consults with a qualified SSD Attorney in Chesapeake who knows what the SSA expects.

It is not difficult for an applicant to determine in advance what the legal fees will be. Firstly, if the case is lost there are no legal fees, there are no benefits either. There is no disputing that having a seasoned SSD Attorney in Chesapeake on your side are many, however, the way forward is littered with problems should you elect to go it alone.

Why should you hire a disability attorney?

Simple; when you have a Social Security attorney your chances of success are far better than they would be if you didn’t have representation. Don’t get it wrong, although it is rare some applicants manage to make the application and fight through the various levels of appeal independently and finally get approved for benefits, statistically however there are far fewer of these cases being approved than there are when the applicant is represented by an attorney.

The initial application is difficult in itself let alone the appeals process, rarely will a layperson have the knowledge and skill to fully understand and comprehend what is expected. A seasoned SSD Attorney knows the law and knows how to apply it to the best advantage of his or her client.

When to hire an attorney:

Based on the difficulties associated with the application and appeals process a good adage is “the sooner the better.” You can start the process of engaging an attorney by taking advantage of a free case evaluation, let the attorney have time to evaluate your case on its unique merits right from the beginning. Your chances of being approved for benefits are considerably enhanced if you are represented by an attorney that is fully conversant with Social Security law.

At O’Neil and Bowman Disability Group you’ll work with an SSD attorney in Chesapeake who has the experience necessary to navigate your case & get a successful outcome. In addition to helping their clients get the SSD benefits they deserve on a first filing, they can also help those who have received a denial. For more details, visit their website or contact them today.

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