When Is The Time For Room Additions?

by | Oct 29, 2012 | Home Improvement

The average American home consists of three bedrooms and two bathrooms. While this is a great way for a new family to enter into the housing market, it does little for the established family that is in need of extra room. The average home is around 1200 square feet in space and can house four people with one car. This is not an advantageous way for many people to live. If you are looking for a way to stretch your legs and have a little more breathing room, perhaps it is time to consider room additions. Room additions can technically fall into the remodeling class but they add much more flavor than remodeling. Here are a few tips and suggestions for you to consider when you are thinking about adding space to your existing home. This is not a complete list of the do’s and don’ts but rather a guide to spur conversation among you and your family.

The most obvious time that room additions seem needed is when a new baby arrives. It is at this time that an already cramped house becomes even smaller. With all the toys and trinkets that a baby needs, there needs to be a room set aside just for the baby that will house all of these items. If you are expecting a new baby then this would be a great time to think about expanding your home to accommodate the new member of your family.

As your parents age their health will become a concern. While there are many people who will send their parents into nursing homes, many will decide to move their parents into their home. This will allow you to care for your parents as well as cut down on the expense of nursing care. Room additions are very helpful in this time because they will give your parents their own space as well as giving you an opportunity to have some alone time. This is not always a great idea but it is something worth considering when the time comes.

Another reason for room additions could be the desire for a sunroom. Many homes today do not have a space that is properly protected from bugs yet still offers a cool breeze. These rooms are great for the smoker in the house as well as the person who loves to retreat and read. If you are looking for a room that can offer peace and quite while still protecting you from the elements, a sunroom may be the room that you are looking for. Finally, room additions are going to be costly. It is important that you speak with a licensed professional and receive a great quote before you move forward in this process.

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