When to Speak to a Palos Heights Social Security Disability Lawyer

by | Mar 8, 2018 | Law

No one wants to access the SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance) benefits that are rightfully theirs. After all, it means you are requesting financial support because you are suffering a severe, disabling medical condition that makes it impossible for you to continue or resume doing your job. Over the many years you have been employed or worked for yourself, you paid into this insurance, and it has helped millions of others, and if you need it, you’ll also need the help of a skilled Palos Heights Social Security disability lawyer. They can help with your case and ensure you get what is yours under the law.

Yet, should you speak to a Palos Heights Social Security disability lawyer if you think someone has made a false claim? In a word: Yes.

Fraud and SSDI

Sadly, there are many ways that people submit and win support from SSDI claims, even if they don’t qualify for it. For example, they may create false documents that mislead the SSA. They might lie or make false claims in their paperwork that leads to their being awarded payments and support. They may conceal information (such as improvements in a condition that is key to the claim) to get the money. There is also fraud in SSDI cases when someone who is claiming to be a representative for the person receiving support takes the money and does not use it as they are supposed to.

If you are aware of someone doing one or more of these fraudulent things to get SSDI payments, you must take the steps necessary to stop this process. After all, their use of these government programs means that someone else, someone who probably does legally qualify, may not get the support needed.

First Steps

While you can just contact the SSA to report fraud, or call the Office of the Inspector General at (800) 269-0271, you may want to speak with a Palos Heights Social Security disability lawyer first. After all, you are making a serious claim and you don’t want to make a mistake. If you feel you have uncovered an issue of fraud where SSDI payments or claims are concerned, get in touch with Harold W. Conick & Associates, Ltd. They can sit down with you and discuss the matter, or consult with you on anything related to SSDI cases and claims, including your benefits and case.

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