Who Needs to Know About the Plan for Life Insurance in Murrieta, CA?

by | Feb 13, 2017 | Insurance

The decision to purchase Life Insurance in Murrieta CA was a wise one. Now there will be money to take care of those final expenses and still have some left over to take care of loved ones. One of the questions many people have is who should be advised of the policy. There are a few people who do need to know in the event the covered party should pass away unexpectedly.

A Spouse or Partner

When the covered party has a spouse or partner, it makes sense to ensure the significant other knows the policy exists and where to find the original. It never hurts to also have the information to contact the insurance provider kept with the actual policy. Keep in mind that, if there is more than one copy of the policy, make sure someone knows where all the copies are kept. That means if there is one in a bank deposit box and another one in a strongbox in the master bedroom closet, say so.

The Estate Executor

Not everyone has a significant other at the time of death. When that’s the case, making sure the person named in the last will and testament to serving as the executor knows about the policies and who to contact to file a claim. That will make at least one of the tasks associated with settling the estate easy to manage. It could also be a quick way to ensure the person or entity named as the beneficiary receives the money sooner rather than later.

An Adult Child

If the spouse has passed away, there is the option of ensuring the policy is left in the hands of a responsible adult child. When the parent passes away, the child will have the information needed to file the appropriate paperwork with the insurance provider and get the process of releasing the funds to the proper parties underway.

If the idea of securing Life Insurance in Murrieta CA has been coming to mind recently, now is a good time to visit us website and arrange to talk with an agent. It won’t take long to identify the type of life coverage that is right for the client, take care of the details, and have the policy in effect as quickly as possible.

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