Wholesale Produce Such as Citrus Can Do Wonders for the Body

by | Oct 27, 2014 | Business

Fruits are considered “nature’s candy,” as they are sweet and tasty yet offer a wide variety of nutrients and vitamins that are essential for human health. Choosing a reputable provider of wholesale produce will enable you and your family to benefit from the best selection of fruits and vegetables available on the market today. One category of fruits that is especially popular both domestically in the United States and worldwide is citrus fruits, which have many qualities.

Benefits of Citrus
One chief benefit of citrus fruits, such as oranges, is that they are rich in compounds known as flavonoids. Flavonoids feature anti-cancer properties, with research showing that they can stop cancer cells’ growth as well as prevent tumors from spreading. Flavonoids in citrus fruits are additionally antioxidants that neutralize your body’s free radicals, thus potentially protecting you from heart disease.

Other Benefits
Another benefit of citrus fruits is that they can improve your coronary arteries’ blood flow. They can also decrease your arteries’ ability to develop blood clots in addition to preventing “bad” cholesterol — also known as low-density lipoprotein, or LDL, cholesterol — from oxidizing. Oxidation is the first step in the development of plaques in the artery that can lead to heart attacks. Citrus fruits also feature high levels of vitamin C as well as potassium and folate. Vitamin C provides protection against free radicals that can damage the body, helps to facilitate the healing of wounds and enables the holding together of bone, ligaments, tendons and blood vessels. Potassium also serves an important function in the body, as it is critical for helping the heart to contract and the nerves to operate properly.

Types and Tips
In California, you can find a wide range of citrus fruits and other wholesale produce. Los Angeles distributors offer citrus fruits such as grapefruits, lemons, mandarins and tangerines. It is worth noting that citrus fruits should be stored at room temperature only if you plan to eat them within a week. If not, it’s best to place them in your refrigerator’s crisper, where they will remain fresh for between six and eight weeks. The right company can advise you on the best times of the year to buy different citrus fruits.

Umina Bros. Inc in Los Angeles offers top-of-the-line produce. To find out about the company’s various products, visit us website.

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