Why Carpet is Extremely Popular, Find Professional Installers in Downers Grove

by | Jun 25, 2018 | Carpet And Floor

Many homeowners in Downers Grove find that their flooring needs to be replaced. Whether you want a change or yours is looking a little worn from excessive use, it could be time to switch to a carpet. If you’ve already got carpeting in some areas, you may want to keep it that way and upgrade to a new color or style. If you’ve currently got wood, tile or some other flooring, it may be best to switch to carpeting for many reasons.

Reduce Noise

Many homes use theater systems, loud sound systems, big screen televisions and computers/electronic devices. Because of all these new features, you may find that your house is noisy. Carpeting can reduce the noise level because it acts as a barrier. Carpeting the upstairs can make it quiet on the downstairs levels.


If you have young children or older adults living with you, safety is a significant concern. You don’t want children to fall and skin their knee on linoleum, and you want to ensure that older adults don’t slip on hard surfaces if they wear socks or have balance issues.

Stay Toasty

Carpeting can trap the warmth of the house in the floor, which helps to keep your room at a comfortable temperature. Along with such, you may find that cold tootsies stay warmer with socks or slippers because carpeting is warmer.


While carpeting is an excellent flooring option, it does have a few issues depending on your lifestyle. For example, people with allergies or asthma may find that dust and other allergens can get caught in the fibers. However, you can find hypoallergenic carpeting or can choose to vacuum more often to offset these issues.

Carpet is an excellent flooring choice because it comes in many colors and is easy to maintain. Visit Best Buy Carpet and Granite in Downers Grove to learn more.

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