Why Do You Need To Choose A Vault Burial Container?

by | Dec 12, 2016 | Cremation

After a loved one passes away, you will have to choose how to inter his or her remains. If you choose a ground burial, whether he or she is buried in a casket or an urn after cremation, you also need to choose a burial vault or a grave liner. Most cemeteries require them to avoid having the ground settle beneath the casket or urn.

Types of Burial Vaults

Burial vaults come in a wide variety of materials including metals such as steel, copper, or bronze; concrete; plastic; and composite materials.

The price of a vault burial container will depend on the materials it is made from, so a metal vault would be more expensive than a plastic or concrete one. However, concrete vaults are often lined with metal or a composite product so you have to take that into account as well when pricing them.

Purpose of Burial Vaults

A burial vault is not usually required by state or local laws, but many cemeteries require them to prevent the ground from collapsing beneath the weight of a casket. Even though an urn is much lighter, it is usually put in a vault burial container as well. The vault also helps to preserve the casket or urn from the elements found underground.

Concrete Liners

The other option for a burial is concrete grave liners. They also help keep the ground from collapsing under the weight of the casket and the heavy equipment when it moves over the gravesites. However, they are not made to preserve the casket or urn like a vault burial container. They are constructed like a house foundation in that they are simply walls and not a container.

You can order a burial vault or a grave liner at funeral homes like Evergreen Washelli. They can help you choose the best option for your needs and your budget. You can also like them on Facebook for more information.

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