Why Good Web Design Makes a Good Website

by | Nov 21, 2014 | Top Content Center Articles

When we think of design, we often only think of the visual elements. Web design, however, is the planning and creation of entire websites, and encompasses all elements, including:

* Information architecture
* Site structure
* Usability
* Navigation logic
* Layout
* Colors and fonts
* Pictures and photographs

Good web design results in a simple, user-friendly experience in which the required information can be found easily and quickly.

Elements of Website Design
If you’re looking for good quality web design, Fargo has several agencies to choose from. A good web designer will make sure all the following elements are included in your site:

* Content – This should be optimized for search engines, although still read easily and naturally to human beings. Text should be useful and relevant, with the aim of giving visitors the information they’re looking for while enticing them to stay on the site and read more.
* Graphics – This includes any photographs, pictures, clipart, logos, etc. They need to be used in such a way that they don’t congest the site, or make it slow to load. Research shows that about one third of website browsers click off if the site or page hasn’t loaded within 5 seconds.
* Layout – The main goal of layout is to help the user find the information they need at a glance, while still maintaining the consistency, integrity and balance of the site.
* Color – The colors used depends largely on the purpose of the site, and the target market that will be accessing it. Color is a great way to communicate the personality of the brand or person whose website it is.
* Fonts – Most web browsers have a limited number of fonts that they can read, so your web designer should stick to choices within this “web-safe” group.

How to Make Your Site User-Friendly
It’s all very well having a site that looks beautiful, but if it’s difficult to navigate, it’s not doing its job. Certain important factors need to be taken into account:
* Ease of navigation
* Compatibility across all browsers and operating systems
* Active user involvement and participation
* Good use of multimedia

Remember that at the base of all good design is the tried and tested formula of function before form.

We Do Design
Do you want a well-designed, efficient promotional website to strengthen your company’s online presence? Contact Business Name website.com today to get started.

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