Why Having an Employee Assistance Program Is Smart for Your Company

by | Aug 1, 2022 | Business

If you are looking for something that will truly benefit each and every one of your employees, no matter what level they are at, then you should definitely look into providing an Employee Assistance Program with the aid of an EAP consultant. There are many reasons why this should happen.

Control Stress

It is hardly a secret that many employees feel overwhelmed and stressed at their jobs. This is especially true during these times of the pandemic. A qualified program will be able to show the employees how to deal with this stress. This will have a positive effect on both their productivity as well as their health.

Reduced Absenteeism

Many studies have shown a direct link between stress and the amount of absenteeism that an employee experiences. When an employee assistance program is in place, there is a greatly reduced rate of absenteeism. This means that not only does the employee maintain their level of income, but the bottom line of the company does not suffer either.

Less Accidents & Workers Comp Claims

Stress can definitely take away someone’s focus from their duties at hand. When this occurs, they are also much more likely to have an accident at work and subsequently file a claim against your workman’s comp insurance policy.

Employee Satisfaction

Workers who feel more satisfied at work also tend to have a higher level of retention at their respective jobs. This means that you will not spend the time and money constantly trying to replace departed workers. An EAP consultant can help to guide this program for you.

For more information, please contact CorpCare Associates, Inc.

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