Why Hiring a Convention Shuttle Service Makes a Lot of Sense

by | Sep 28, 2017 | Transportation

Planning a convention means you’ll need to stay on top of a lot of things. One of these might involve the logistics of getting your guests to and from nearby hotels in the area.

Not a happy camper

The last thing you want is to be billed as the worst convention ever. PopCultHQ mentions how transportation problems ruined the experience for the guests of a particular convention. If you want those guests to keep coming back every year, you’ll need to make sure they have a positive and satisfying experience. By arranging for a convention shuttle service in Lexington KY in advance, you’ll be able to take one worry—transportation—off their plate.

Getting lost along the way

You might argue that the hotels are close enough to the venue that you probably won’t need to provide transportation. However, if you want your guests go to all the convention events, providing them with a ready shuttle service is a good call. This way, they won’t get lost along the way, be late and end up missing your events.

Stress and hassle

Dealing with a ton of taxi reimbursements or parking permits can involve a load of tiresome details. You’ll have a much easier and more convenient time at it when you can coordinate with a single shuttle company for all your needs.

Confusing directions

You’ll always have guests who can’t read a map properly or are direction-impaired. Confusing directions could also add to the mix as well. These could all result in your guests getting lost along the way. Keep that from happening by hiring a convention shuttle service in Lexington KY. Look for a reputable company. With a shuttle service, you can rest easy, knowing most of your guests will arrive and leave on time from the hotel, ensuring no lost or missing attendees.

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