If you ever have wondered whether the solar energy benefits might outweigh the expenses, you aren’t alone. Need more convincing? Below are 3 reasons why you ought to consider getting solar panels.
Save Money
Average solar arrays cost from $10,000 to $35,000. If this seems too costly, consider the following: one recent study proved that consumers save from $44 – $187/month year one that they owned solar panels. That is anywhere from $528 – $2,244 in one year, which means your system might pay for itself in 5 years — and continuously save you funds on your month-to-month utility bill for years into the future. According to estimates, an average system will save consumers over $20,000 over two decades. Within some regions, the savings might reach around $64,000. For more information on our NJ Solar Panels contact Business Name at Phone No.
Earn Tax Credit
Even if you are not convinced of the solar power benefits just yet, the U.S. government is. As a matter of fact, the government provides a 30 percent solar tax credit to commercial and residential properties alike, and most state governments also provide extra tax credits. Bear in mind that the tax credit expired Dec. 31st, 2016, after which it dropped to 10 percent for commercial systems and was eliminated for residential systems. A 30 percent tax credit might not seem like much right now — yet when tax season arrives, it’ll be the cherry on top of the month-to-month energy savings you already will be enjoying.
Invest within Your House
The latest Department of Energy studies showed that potential home buyers are willing to pay $15,000 for a house that has an average-sized system. The average system utilizes 3,600 watts, meaning you may anticipate an extra $4 in property resale value/watt. Considering the price per watt today is about $3, and is predicted to drop even more within the future, solar energy is going to continuously be a wise investment for your residence.
For more information on our NJ Solar Panels contact Business Name at Phone No. Like us on facebook