Why You May Need Tree Cabling in Manhattan, KS

by | Apr 26, 2019 | Tree Services

As you might guess, the use of cabling in a tree is meant to support it. Some trees display weak stems and limbs, and, therefore, have a greater chance of failing horticulturally. Cables are usually made of high-strength steel and are affixed to bolts. These bolts are applied to the upper crown of the tree.

Protecting Your Home and Property During a Storm

Tree cabling in Manhattan, KS keeps a tree from blowing over, or it can keep its branches intact during a heavy rain or windstorm. This type of support system should only be placed after a tree has been thoroughly evaluated by a tree care expert. That is because the support systems used must comply with the standards published for tree care.

In some instances, trees may feature lightning protection. In this case, the tree cabling must be connected to the conductor. If you have several large trees, and want to play it safe, you should review the benefits cabling may present for you.

Keeping Your Tree Secure When the Wind Gusts

You will be glad to include this type of feature to a tree of which you have doubts – a tall, but precariously structured tree. Some limbs simply cannot stand up to the abuse of strong gale-type winds, lightning, or rain. That is why tree cabling is a supportive and positive solution. If you don’t want to lose a tree in your yard or suffer property damage, you need to have an arborist check out your trees and see if this service is required.

Who to Contact in Your Community

If you would like to know more about structural support, contact a recognized company in the field, such as Hummel Tree Service. Take time today to review the offerings of the company so you can discuss any of your tree care needs. Know who to call to ensure the health of your trees. You can also connect them on Facebook.

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