Why you Might Need a Land Surveyor Near Lamar County, GA

by | Jul 19, 2021 | Home And Garden

The services of a land surveyor near Lamar County, GA are often utilized by those who are buying/selling a home or by those developing land. While these are two of the more common reasons to use a land surveyor, they are not the only ones.

Selling/Buying a Home

If you are selling or purchasing a home or a piece of property, you should enlist the services of a professional land surveyor. The reason for this is that a land surveyor is responsible for identifying property boundaries through boundary markers. They can also spot any kind of potential issues, such as designated flood zones.

Utilizing the services of a land surveyor ensures that all the home features you are buying or selling are located on the actual property in question. This applies to fences and driveways, as well as any recreational amenities, plants, or trees.

Involved in Land Development

No matter how you are involved in the development of land, there is going to come a time where you need to employ the services of a land surveyor near Lamar County, GA. How you employ their services, though, depends on what you are doing. In some cases, a boundary survey needs to be conducted, while others require a topographic survey.

A professional land surveyor is needed when identifying potential issues, such as flood zones, easements, wetlands, encroachments, and many more. The surveyor doesn’t necessarily determine if these issues actually exist. They are just responsible for identifying their location on the property in question.

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