Why You Should Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer

by | Mar 7, 2017 | Lawyer

If people have been hurt in an accident, bitten by an animal, fallen on something slippery at a store, or had an incompetent surgery done, they have been the victim of a personal injury. Personal injuries usually end up in a lawsuit, with the injured party seeking damages. Insurance companies involved in the case will do everything possible to disprove the claim of the injured party. Because the case can get complicated, the injured party is wise to get a lawyer. A Personal Injury Lawyer in the Fort Worth, Texas area helps clients fight their cases. Here is information clients should know about the personal injury laws in Texas.

In the state of Texas, injured parties have two years from the date of their injury to file a personal injury lawsuit in a civil court. If they fail to do so, any opportunity to have their cases heard will be lost. They will be in no position to collect any damages from the accident. It makes sense for them to secure a lawyer as soon as they are ready to file a lawsuit because the attorney can help them navigate through any legal red tape.

Texas also applies a modified version of the comparative negligence rule which states that if the injured party can be found partly responsible for the accident, any amount of damages that will be received will be reduced by the percentage the injured party is deemed guilty. However, if the injured party is 50 percent or more at fault, no damages will be awarded. This is a strict rule and an injured party would do well to hire an attorney to give them a better shot at being successful.

The Law Office of Carey Thompson, P.C. has been providing legal solutions for clients in the Fort Worth, Texas area for many years. In addition to personal injury law, the law firm also practices in the areas of social security disability, wills and estate planning, probate law, and small business law. The first consultation with the law office is free. If any individuals are in need of a Personal Injury Lawyer in the Fort Worth, Texas area, the law office is available.

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