Why You Should Invest in a Non-Water Fire Suppression Sprinkler Systems

by | Aug 28, 2020 | Fire Protection

When you think of fire suppression sprinklers, you most likely think of those little metal sprinklers on the ceiling that release a rush of water when a fire is detected. However, fire suppression systems have come a long way, and there are now several non-water fire sprinkler systems available that have a ton of benefits over traditional water-based systems.

Potassium-Based Fire Protection

Potassium-based fire suppression systems are different than water-based systems. Instead of water, they use condensed aerosol that contains several elements and particles such as potassium. This aerosol reacts to the fire and puts it our be reducing the fire’s fuel and heat and removing its oxygen.

Benefits: Less Damage

The most obvious benefit of an aerosol fire suppression system is that it doesn’t use any water to put the fire. That means after the fire, which causes enough damage on its own, you won’t have to deal with extensive water damage on areas that didn’t even have any fire damage. The aerosol will affect nothing other than the fire.

Further, aerosol systems react faster than water-based systems, which means that they help mitigate fire damage better.

Benefits: Lower Costs

Non-water fire sprinkler systems also cost less to maintain than other types of fire suppression systems. They are connected to a generator, which can come in many different sizes. These systems even last up to 10 years. Plus, installing a fire suppression system can help you reduce your insurance costs as well.

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