Women Can Find Relief From Pelvic Pain and Problems

by | Jun 3, 2019 | Health

As a woman, your pelvic muscles go through a great deal of strain throughout your lifetime. This especially holds true if you have had children. Carrying a child and giving birth takes a toll on the muscles that hold your reproductive organs, bladder, and bowels in place. Many women struggle with problems related to their pelvic muscles long after they have delivered their children. The muscles may not snap back where they should or there may be a tightening of the muscles that causes severe cramping. As menopause approaches, the pelvic muscles can lose their elasticity due to hormonal changes. This can result in urinary or fecal incontinence. Intimacy may become painful. If you are struggling with any of these issues related to your pelvic muscles, pelvic muscle rehab could be the answer for you. You can turn to women’s health rehab for answers.

In the past, pain relief medication, muscle relaxants, or surgery were commonly recommended for pelvic muscle concerns. Women’s physical therapy Scottsdale offers you another path you can take to improve your quality of life. The first step will be a thorough evaluation that includes a physical examination and a biofeedback test to measure your pelvic muscles’ response to stimulation. Once your medical team has a clear picture of the best approach to help you, your physical therapy can begin. It may include a combination of manual therapy and muscle re-education. Your treatments can help you to find relief from pain, experience more comfort during intercourse, and regain control of your bladder and bowels.

Therazona Physical Therapy Scottsdale is here to provide you with women’s health rehab options. Visit site for more details.

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