Your Guide To St. John US Virgin Islands Vacation Rentals

by | May 19, 2022 | Vacation Rental

The turquoise waters, white sandy beaches, and lush foliage of the island will certainly have you in awe each time you visit St. John Virgin Islands. This is no ordinary island and there are a few things that you should consider when choosing St. John US Virgin Islands vacation rentals.

Why Stay in Coral Bay?

When you visit the island, you have the choice between staying in Cruz Bay or Coral Bay. Cruz Bay features a lot of nightlife and restaurant options with easier access to the beaches and ferry. So, if you are looking for a lively vacation, then you may want to choose Cruz Bay.

On the other hand, if you are interested in spending your vacation somewhere peaceful and remote, your best option is St. John US Virgin Islands Vacation Rentals in Coral Bay. Although harder to access than Cruz Bay, this practically untouched destination is definitely the more tranquil and beautiful side of the island.

Coral Bay is known for its low traffic, sweeping views, and excellent places to dine. While the best St. John beaches are not right in the vicinity, you do not have to drive far to get there from St. John US Virgin Islands vacation rentals.St. John US Virgin Islands vacation rentals are a very popular choice. You have a large number of options and they all offer stunning views of the sea. St. John US Virgin Islands will provide you with an unforgettable vacation and easily become one of your favorite places on earth.

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